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addCore(CanonForm, boolean) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Adds a new core to this index.
addCore(CPQ, boolean) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Adds a new core to this index.
addLabel(LabelSequence, LabelSequence) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Adds a new label sequence to this path by concatenating the two given sequences.
addLabel(Predicate) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Adds a single label to this labelled path.
addSegment(LabelledPath, LabelledPath) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Adds a new construction segment combination to this segment.
ancestor - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
The block from the previous layer that the paths in this block were stored at.
ancestor - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
The ancestor of this segment if any.


BitWriter - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Utility class for writing a sequence of integers to an array while using a variable number of bits for each integer.
BitWriter(int) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BitWriter
Constructs a new BitWriter with enough space for at least the requested number of bits.
block - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
After block are computed this is the block this segment is contained in.
Block(int, List<LabelledPath>) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Constructs a new index block for the given diameter and with the given paths.
Block(DataInputStream, boolean, RangeList<Index.Block>) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Reads a previously saved block from the given input stream.
BlockPair - Record Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Simple record representing a pair of blocks.
BlockPair(Index.Block, Index.Block) - Constructor for record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Creates an instance of a BlockPair record class.
BlockPair(PathPair) - Constructor for record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Constructs a new block pair from the given path pair.
BlockPair(DataInputStream, RangeList<Index.Block>) - Constructor for record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Reads a previously saved block pair from the given stream.
blocks - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
List of all blocks in the final layer of this index.


cacheHashCode() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Computes and caches the hashcode of this segment to improve sorting performance.
canon - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.CoreHash
The binary canonical form.
canonCores - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Hashes for the cores in this index block.
CanonForm - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Utility class to compute and represent the canonical form of a CPQ.
CanonForm(int, int, Map<Predicate, Integer>, int[][], CPQ, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Constructs a new canonical form with the given data.
CanonForm.CoreHash - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
A small wrapper class for binary canonical forms that caches the hash code of the canonical form.
CanonForm.LabelData - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Simple object for compiling information on objects with the same label.
ColoredGraph(int[][], int, int, List<Map.Entry<Predicate, int[]>>, int[]) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
Constructs a new coloured graph with the given adjacency list and colour information.
combinations - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Blocks from previous layers that were combined to form this layer.
compare(SortedSet<T>, SortedSet<T>) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Compares two sorted sets of elements.
compareLabelsTo(LabelledPath) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Compares this labelled path against the given other labelled path based on the set of labels.
comparePathTo(LabelledPath) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Compares this segment against the given other segment based on the path pair.
compareSegmentsTo(LabelledPath) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Compares this segment against the given other segment based on the set of segment combinations they were constructed from.
compareTo(LabelSequence) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
compareTo(Pair) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
compareTo(PathPair) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.PathPair
computeBlocks(RangeList<List<LabelledPath>>) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
After graph partitioning computes the index blocks.
computeBlocksEnd(int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when blocks are done being computed for a new index layer.
computeBlocksEnd(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
computeBlocksStart(int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when blocks are being computed for a new index layer.
computeBlocksStart(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
computeCanon(CPQ, boolean) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Constructs a canonical form for the core of the given CPQ.
computeCanonicalLabelling(Nauty.ColoredGraph) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty
Computes a canonical labelling of the given coloured graph.
computeCanonSparse(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty
Performs a canonical labelling of the given input graph.
computeCores - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Whether CPQ cores should be or have been computed for this index.
computeCores() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Computes all the CPQ cores for this block.
computeCores(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Computes CPQ cores for each block in this index.
computeIntersectionCores(List<CPQ>, int, int, int, List<CPQ>, BitSet, BitSet[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Computes intersection derived CPQ for this index.
computeLabels - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Boolean indicating whether explicit representations of cores and label sequences should be saved for the computed blocks.
CoreHash(byte[]) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.CoreHash
Constructs a new core hash by wrapping the given canonical form.
cores - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Explicit core informations for cores stored in this block.
coresBlocksDone(int, int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Intermediate core computation progress update.
coresBlocksDone(int, int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
coresEnd(int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when cores for a new layer are done being computed.
coresEnd(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
coresStart(int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when cores for a new layer start being computed.
coresStart(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
coreToBlock - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Map from CPQ core hash to the blocks this CPQ is present in.
cpq - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
The CPQ this canonical form was constructed from.


data - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BitWriter
The data array being written to.
data - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.LabelData
The IDs of labelled vertices.
data - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
An ordered array of the labels that make up the label sequence.
dev.roanh.cpqindex - package dev.roanh.cpqindex
discord(String, String) - Static method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Constructs a new progress listener that logs all events to the given file and to Discord.
DISCORD_WEBHOOK - Static variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Main
If set this Discord webhook can be used as a logging target.


equalLabels(LabelledPath) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Tests if the label sequences for this path are equal to the labels for the given other path.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.CoreHash
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.PathPair


file(String) - Static method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Constructs a new progress listener that logs all event to the given file.
findRandomCore() - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Main
Small testing subroutine to find random CPQ cores.
first - Variable in record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
The field for the first record component.
first - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.PathPair
The first path of this pair, also the start of the joined path.
first() - Method in record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Returns the value of the first record component.


getAdjacencyList() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
Gets the adjacency list representation of this graph.
getAncestor() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Gets the ancestor segment for this segment.
getBlock() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Gets the block this segment is in, if set.
getBlocks() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Gets all the blocks in this index.
getCanonCores() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Gets the hashes of the cores that map to this block.
getColorLists() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
Gets the colour information of this graph as a list of lists where each list has the IDs of vertices of the same colour.
getCores() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Gets the cores that map to this block.
getCPQ() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Gets the CPQ this canonical form was constructed from.
getData() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BitWriter
Gets the array containing the written bits.
getFirst() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.PathPair
Gets the first path in this pair.
getId() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Gets the ID of this block.
getLabels() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Gets the label sequences that map to this block.
getLabels() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Gets all the label sequences for this labelled path.
getLabels() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
Gets the label in this sequence as an array of predicates.
getLabels() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
Gets a list of colour information in the form of a list of entries where each entry has the colour label and IDs of vertices with that colour.
getNodeCount() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
Gets the total number of nodes in this graph.
getNoLabels() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
Gets the IDs of nodes without a label/colour.
getPair() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Gets the pair of path for this segment.
getPaths() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Gets the paths stored at this block.
getSecond() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.PathPair
Gets the second path in this pair.
getSegmentId() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Gets the ID of the block this segment is in.
getSegments() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Gets all segment combinations that create this segment.
getSource() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Gets the source vertex of the path for this segment.
getSource() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
Get the source vertex of this pair.
getTarget() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Gets the target vertex of the path for this segment.
getTarget() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
Gets the target vertex of this pair.
getTotalCores() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Gets the total number of cores in this index, this is the sum of all cores in each block.
getUniqueCores() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Gets the total number of unique cores in this index, this is the number of unique index keys.
graph - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
The adjacency list form of the canonically labelled transformed CPQ query graph.
graph - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
The adjacency list representing the graph.


handleInput(CommandLine) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Main
Handles the input arguments.
hasAncestor() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Checks if this segment has an ancestor segment in the previous index layer.
hash - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.CoreHash
The pre computed hash code of
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.CoreHash
hashCode() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
hashCode() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
hashCode() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
hashCode() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.PathPair


id - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
The ID of this block.
idx - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.LabelData
Current read/write index.
Index - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Implementation of a graph database index based on k-path-bisimulation and with support for indexing by CPQ cores.
Index(UniqueGraph<Integer, Predicate>, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Constructs a new CPQ-native index for the given graph, diameter.
Index(UniqueGraph<Integer, Predicate>, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, ProgressListener) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Constructs a new CPQ-native index for the given graph, diameter.
Index(UniqueGraph<Integer, Predicate>, int, int) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Constructs a new CPQ-native index for the given graph and diameter.
Index(UniqueGraph<Integer, Predicate>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Constructs a new CPQ-native index for the given graph, diameter and diameter limit.
Index(InputStream) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Reads a previously saved index.
Index.Block - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Representation of a single block in the index containing the paths, labels and cores of the partition it represents.
IndexUtil - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Collection of some small index utilities.
IndexUtil() - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.IndexUtil
intermediateProgress(long, int, int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Logs and intermediate progress update.
intermediateProgress(long, int, int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
isLoop() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Checks if this block represents a loop, this means that all paths in this block have the same source and target vertex.
isLoop() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Tests if this segment is a loop, which means its pair is a loop.
isLoop() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
Checks if this pair represents a loop, that is, if the source and target vertex are equivalent.


k - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
The value of k for the index layer this core belongs to.
k - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
The value of k (the CPQ diameter) this index was computed for.


LabelData() - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.LabelData
LabelledPath - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Represents a path through the graph identified by a source target node pair and a number of label sequences that exist between that node pair.
LabelledPath(Pair, LabelledPath) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Constructs a new labelled path with the given pair and ancestor.
labels - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
A map containing the IDs of vertices with a specific label.
labels - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
A list of all label sequences that map to this block.
labels - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
The label sequences that were found that exist between the vertices of the node pair for this path.
labels - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
A collection of lists where each list has the IDs of nodes with the same colour.
LabelSequence - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Class representing a sequence of edge labels.
LabelSequence(LabelSequence, LabelSequence) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
Constructs a new label sequence by joining the given sequences.
LabelSequence(Predicate) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
Constructs a new label sequence with just a single label.
LabelSequence(DataInputStream, RangeList<Predicate>) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
Reads a label sequence from the given input stream and resolves the corresponding predicates from the given list.
layers - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
List of blocks in this index by layer (index 0 is k = 1, etc).
loadNatives() - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Main
Loads the compiled JNI libraries required for nauty.
LOG - Static variable in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Default listener that logs all events to standard out.


main(String[]) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Main
Main subroutine, parses CLI options.
Main - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Main class and CLI interface for the index.
Main() - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Main
mapCoresToBlocks() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Constructs the map from CPQ core has to the blocks this core occurs in.
mapEnd() - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when mapping cores to blocks is done.
mapEnd() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
mapStart() - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when mapping cores to blocks starts.
mapStart() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
MAX_LABEL_BITS - Static variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Maximum number of bits that will ever be required to encode a vertex label ID.
MAX_VERTEX_BITS - Static variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Maximum number of bits that will ever be required to encode a vertex ID.
maxIntersections - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
The maximum number of same layer CPQs allowed in a single intersection.


Nauty - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
This class provides and interface to the native binding for nauty.
Nauty() - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty
Nauty.ColoredGraph - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Represents a coloured graph.
noLabel - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
List of node IDs that have no label.
NONE - Static variable in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Default listener that ignores all events.


options - Static variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Main
The command line options.
out - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
The stream to log to.


pair - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
The node pair for this labelled path.
Pair - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Represents a pair of two vertices, also referred to as a path or an st-pair.
Pair(int, int) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
Constructs a new pair with the given source and target vertex.
Pair(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
Reads a pair from the given input stream.
partition(UniqueGraph<Integer, Predicate>) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Partitions all the paths in the given graph according to k-path-bisimulation.
partitionCombinationEnd(int, int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when partitions are constructed from two previous blocks from a different layer (end).
partitionCombinationEnd(int, int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
partitionCombinationStart(int, int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when partitions are constructed from two previous blocks from a different layer (start).
partitionCombinationStart(int, int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
partitionEnd(int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when graph partitioning for a new layer ends.
partitionEnd(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
partitionStart(int) - Method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Called when graph partitioning for a new layer starts.
partitionStart(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
PathPair - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Represents a pair of two labelled paths that were joined to form a new path.
PathPair(LabelledPath, LabelledPath) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.PathPair
Constructs a new path pair with the given paths.
paths - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
A list of all paths stored at this block.
pos - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BitWriter
The current byte in the data array being written.
predicates - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
List of predicates (labels) that appear in this index by ID.
prepareColors(Nauty.ColoredGraph) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty
Computes a nauty and traces compatible array of color data.
print() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Prints the index to standard output.
progress - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Progress listener to inform of any computation updates.
ProgressListener - Interface in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Interface for index construction progress listeners.
ProgressListener.StreamListener - Class in dev.roanh.cpqindex
Progress listener that logs to a print stream all events except for intermediate updates, which are printed to standard out.


query(CPQ) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Runs the given query on this index and returns the result.


read(DataInputStream) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.CoreHash
Reads a previously written CoreHash from the given input stream.
readGraph(InputStream) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.IndexUtil
Reads a graph from the given plain text input stream each line is expected to contain information for a graph edge in the format source target label
readGraph(Path) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.IndexUtil
Reads a graph from the given file where each line is expected to contain information for a graph edge in the format source target label


second - Variable in record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
The field for the second record component.
second - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.PathPair
The second path of this pair, also the end of the joined path.
second() - Method in record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Returns the value of the second record component.
segHash - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Precomputed hash code value for this segment.
segId - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
After blocks have been computed this is the ID of the block this segment belong to.
segs - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
For k > 1 segments are constructed by combining segments from previous layers.
setBlock(Index.Block) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Sets the block for this segment.
setIntersections(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Sets the maximum number of same level CPQ intersections allowed.
setProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Sets the progress listener to send computation updates to.
setSegmentId(int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
Sets the segment ID for this for segment.
sort() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Sorts all the list of blocks of this index.
sortOnePath(LabelledPath, LabelledPath) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Compares the given paths based on their labels, cyclic properties, source and target.
sortPaths(LabelledPath, LabelledPath) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Compares the given paths based on their segments, cyclic properties, source and target.
source - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
The vertex ID of the source vertex of the CPQ.
source - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
The ID of the source vertex of the graph.
src - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
The source vertex.
stream(PrintStream) - Static method in interface dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener
Constructs a new progress listener that logs all event to the given print stream.
StreamListener(PrintStream) - Constructor for class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
Constructs a new progress listener that log to the given stream.
sub - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BitWriter
The next bit in the data array to write to.


target - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
The vertex ID of the target vertex of the CPQ.
target - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Nauty.ColoredGraph
The ID of the target vertex of the graph.
toBase64Canon() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Computes the Base64 encoded string of CanonForm.toBinaryCanon().
toBinaryCanon() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Computes the binary variant of this canonical form.
toBinaryString() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BitWriter
Constructs a string version of the bits written.
toColoredGraph(QueryGraphCPQ) - Static method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Converts the given input query graph to a coloured graph instance.
toHashCanon() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Computes a wrapped representation of CanonForm.toBinaryCanon() that is more suitable for equality testing.
toString() - Method in record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
toString() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelledPath
toString() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
toString() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
toStringCanon() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Computes the string variant of this canonical form.
trg - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
The target vertex.


VERSION - Static variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Main
The current version of the index software.


wasCore - Variable in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
True if the original input CPQ was a core.
wasCore() - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm
Check if the original input CPQ turned out to be a core.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in record class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BlockPair
Writes this block pair to the given stream.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.CanonForm.CoreHash
Writes this canonical form to the given output stream.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.LabelSequence
Writes this label sequence to the given stream.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Pair
Write a pair to the given input stream.
write(DataOutputStream, boolean) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index.Block
Writes this block to the given stream.
write(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.Index
Write this index to the given output stream.
write(String) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.ProgressListener.StreamListener
Writes a new message to the stream for this listener.
writeInt(int, int) - Method in class dev.roanh.cpqindex.BitWriter
Writes the bits of the given integer using exactly the given number of bits.
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